Posts Tagged ‘Christian-Unity’
When Ecumenism Becomes Hard

Ecumenical dialogue has always been important to me, almost as important as learning Catholic apologetics is.
I want to know everything about my faith, as well as I can. But I also want to be able to use that information I know, to participate in ecumenical discussion with anyone I meet. The more I have learned, the more I have been able to explain and understand, and have done so over the years.
I remember my first attempt at ecumenism, four years ago now, was very unforeseen, forced even.
In fact, it was somewhat of a hostile environment for me. I had posted a tweet about Read the rest of this entry »
Brother Philip MacNeil
Brother Philip MacNeil
I met Brother Philip through my parish, during the process of getting our new church building ready for its’ Dedication. He and others from his community Read the rest of this entry »