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Posts Tagged ‘Confirmation’

PostHeaderIcon Come Holy Spirit! (Part 2)

This post is the second out of three in a series I call, ‘Come Holy Spirit!’ The title reflects my personal experiences from this past July, which focuses on receiving my Sacrament of Confirmation, and also my experience at CatholicTV as a co-host providing live television coverage of World Youth Day 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  I have 2 hopeful purposes for sharing this piece of my life with you. 

  •  To express how much it meant to me, to celebrate the beautiful Sacrament of Confirmation, in the hope that those of you who are preparing to make your own Confirmation will appreciate it as much as I do, and understand why it’s such a big step in your journey as a young Catholic!
  • To show you that with the help of the Holy Spirit, you can do anything!!!

To read Part 1, click HERE.

I hope you enjoy this personal witness series!



ANDDDD THEN…it was morning. I woke up. I blinked a couple of times. “Oh my LORSH…today is the day that the Lord has MADE. FOR ME.” 

I kid you not, that was my first thought. Just like that. My big day was here, and I was both extremely excited Read the rest of this entry »

PostHeaderIcon Come Holy Spirit! (Part 1)

This post is the first out of three in a series I call, ‘Come Holy Spirit!’ The title reflects my personal experiences from this past July, which focuses on receiving my Sacrament of Confirmation, and also my experience at CatholicTV as a co-host providing live television coverage of World Youth Day 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  I have 2 hopeful purposes for sharing this piece of my life with you. 

  • To express how much it meant to me, to celebrate the beautiful Sacrament of Confirmation, in the hope that those of you who are preparing to make your own Confirmation will appreciate it as much as I do, and understand why it’s such a big step in your journey as a young Catholic!
  • To show you that with the help of the Holy Spirit, you can do anything!!!

I hope you enjoy this personal witness series!



July 20-28, 2013, was probably the biggest, most exciting Read the rest of this entry »

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