Posts Tagged ‘death’
Well Done
Every Christian hopes for one thing when they die: life eternal with God. We all want God to look at us, describe the ways in which we pleased Him, and say to us, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

I wrote this poem as a reflection of just that. Read the rest of this entry »
Christmas Isn’t All About Baby Jesus
It’s not just about the tree, tinsel, presents, possibility of snow, a break from school, or the cookies and eggnog. All Christians know that.
But Christmas isn’t all about Baby Jesus either.
Now, before you personally arrange for my excommunication, let me explain!
My family has always celebrated Christmas with the main focus around the story of Jesus’ birth.We keep an advent calendar, set up our own Nativity set, make a birthday cake for Him on Christmas Eve, etc. But here’s the thing: we need to celebrate with the bigger picture in mind!!! Read the rest of this entry »