My Family's Big Blog!

PostHeaderIcon Welcome to Just Shine On!


Hey everyone, and welcome to my new blog, Just Shine On! I am so excited about this blog, for so many reasons, and I can’t wait to share those reasons with you. But first, I have to back-track a little bit.

I actually have had a blog before. Some of you may have even been to it. It was started when I was 12 years old. Given my young age, that blog was very private. Each post was password protected, and only those who I had given the link to, knew about it. This really limited my audience, but it was a great learning experience and gave me practice in developing my writing skills. Now, I am older, which has opened up so many new windows for me. Like, having a public blog, with a clearer purpose! (And an actual logo, designed by my mother!)

What IS The Purpose?

As of right now, I want to go to college to be a writer and a youth minister, and possibly do some television work. However, I am open to whatever else God’s plans may be for me. I think about things a lot, and I ultimately have a lot to say, that I feel compelled to put out there, and share with other young people. But in the big picture, I want my blog to be an upbeat place, that will, at the same time, present a new way of thinking, for both girls and guys. It is also my hope, that my blog, through the content and resources that will be shared here, will encourage all Christian teenagers to just shine on in the spiritual light of their life, and a place where we can connect, communicate, and support each other as friends. I don’t want to present just my own thoughts though. I would love it if you contributed to this blog as well, whether through comments, or a guest post of your own. If you have an idea, please contact me!

Catholicism is very intertwined with my life, as it is the faith that I embrace and practice. So, in my posts, there will be a lot of references to Catholicism, because it’s the faith that is such a part of who I am. Despite this, I assure you that my posts will be applicable to the lifestyle of all Christian denominations. These are the goals that I hope to accomplish with Just Shine On. (You can read more about the meaning behind the name of this blog in an upcoming post.)

Here’s What to Expect at Just Shine On

As a reader and follower of Just Shine On, you can look forward to many things! For one, you can expect to see this blog grow as I add new things.  My posts will address topics that are relevant in our lives as young Christians living in todays’ society. While I exercise my creative writing, I hope to post short stories inspired by whatever my imagination creates, that will have an encouraging message for you. As I mentioned, I hope to have some guest bloggers, as well as interviews with people who are living their faith in an inspiring way, or have a great message to share with us, as young people growing up in the society that we do. Of course, sometimes I will post an inspirational picture, video, or anything else I may find uplifting, and think you may too. Regardless of the topics, I hope they encourage you to leave your thoughts in the comments section, and it would be great if it evolved into some discussion there between us all there sometimes, as well.  Plus, I will also be holding occasional giveaways! So there will be FREE STUFF up for grabs for you! And who knows what other ideas I’ll come up with along the way, as I create a following for Just Shine On. All I know for sure, is that I hope you’ll come along with me, and that YOU bring your friends on over, too!
Let’s raise the roof, and light up this place!

~Alexis Grace

♫ LISTEN/WATCH:  ‘Set the World On Fire”, by Britt Nicole

3 Responses to “Welcome to Just Shine On!”

  • Rene says:

    Hi Alexis! Just wishing you great success on your new blog! Congratulations and keep that light “shining on”! Love, rene

    • Alexis Grace says:

      Thanks Rene! Would you please share the blog and FB page with Noah? Julia too if you’d like, but she may be a little young? I forget exactly how old she is, but the blog is geared towards teens. Thanks again for the wishes! Love, Alexis Grace

  • Auntie Lisa says:

    Looking forward to your next amazing article ! Your loyal fans are waiting !

I would love for you to share your thoughts.

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