Lord of Life
“Crown Him the Lord of life.”
I came across this phrase in one of my devotional books, shortly after Easter. The obvious meaning of the phrase “Lord of life”, was shown in the line that followed, which said, “Who triumphed o’er the grave, and rose victorious in the strife, for those He came to save.”
Clearly, that’s the meaning that was supposed to be taken from the phrase, but I took another interpretation from it. “Crown Him the Lord of life.” We are talking about a Divine being who freely chose to become man, so He could give us eternal life. But what about the 33 years prior to His death?
33 years.

To us, that seems to be a short life. But those 33 years had a monumental impact on the whole human race. Most importantly, we can take comfort in the fact that although short, those 33 years meant that Jesus experienced life as a human and He knows what it is like. Although sinless, He dealt with temptation. He was ridiculed. Abandoned. He felt every kind of human emotion, dealt with physical pain, and suffered illness. He knows what we struggle with every day, and he knows the joys too. Imagine if we had a Savior who didn’t? He was crowned Lord not just of eternal life, but also earthly life…with all of its’ messes, ups, and downs, wonders and tragedies. We are not alone. He knows what it’s like. And we should choose every day to crown Him Lord of our lives.
~Alexis Grace