An Adoration Reflection
Eucharistic Adoration, Seek 2019 Day #3, 9:15 PM
“You don’t give your heart in pieces.”
You gave all of Yourself for us; Your life, Your death, Your tears, Your body, Your blood. Your very heart. You held nothing back from us. Why then, do we find it so hard to give of ourselves, back to You, when we have nothing if not for You? You are everything we have, and are, and You make Yourself known to us moment to moment; yet we proclaim You a mystery even still. We do not comprehend. We cannot. Is it because we chose not to? Does faith remedy this? Or are we to soothe our souls to be content in the unknowing?
I have sought You. I have hid from You, as if I could keep myself from the very One who knows me best; the Creator of my soul. I doubt, but without You I have nothing and am nothing. If You showed us Your face we would give everything we had to offer. Instead, we choose to be Judas, Thomas, and Peter by turn, unwilling to commit. Unwilling to see. Unwilling to offer back what has been granted to us. We are restless, and yet refuse rest, regardless. We choose fear over peace and still think we can handle everything all on our own.
What if we just unraveled ourselves to You and allowed You to pick out all the knots? Threw ourselves down at Your feet and let You raise us back up? Beauty from these ashes? Let out everything we have held back from spilling out and let You wash it all away? Let the shackles and chains be broken as You free us from our self-imposed slavery?
Don’t let us be gone. Blind us with the brilliance of Your love, so that even in our hurt and disbelief, we may reflect You always. 10:15 PM

~ Alexis Grace