All That I Am
Back in December, as I was sitting in the Abbey Church one night, I wrote this poem titled “All That I Am”. I was feeling an incredible sense of peace in that moment. Whenever I feel like I need to recenter my focus for my life, I read my poem to get myself back into that mindset and remember the most important purpose for my life.

All That I Am
“Let all that I am
wait patiently for my Lord.
My crooked paths
He will make straight,
and in His perfect timing,
He will reveal His plans to me.
I am not worthy of His love,
yet He knows my soul
as if it were His own.
My hands He has anointed
for the crafting of His Kingdom,
my heart He has claimed
for the purpose of His praise.
I will witness to His name
all the days of my life,
and none shall turn me
against Him.
I will fall on my knees
in His presence,
and my soul shall find peace
while worshiping Him.”
~Alexis Grace
Beautifully said Alexis Grace! Thank you for sharing. I made a copy and I too will read it often.
Beautiful reflection. I hope you are looking forward to an amazing summer break! Give my best to the family.