My Family's Big Blog!

PostHeaderIcon What’s In The Name: Just Shine On

You may have wondered what the story is behind the name of my blog, Just Shine On.  If so, then you will be happy to know that I’m about to tell you!

Ever since I was little, others have verbally associated me with light and sunshine. The first memory my parents have of this, is when a lady from our church told them that she had enjoyed watching two-year-old me, week after week, and that she thought I had ‘such a sunny disposition’. When I was older, my Gramma would sing ‘You Are My Sunshine’ to me all of the time.  As I grew older still, complete strangers continued to tell my parents about this ‘light’ they say I seem to emit.

I’d be lying, if I said I didn’t I know what this light is in me is, that others are trying to describe. I know because I feel it shining within me all the time. There are moments when it becomes just a flicker. Soon enough though, that flicker is rekindled. Sometimes to bonfire size! But it isn’t just in me. I have seen this light in others. When you feel it in you, it’s like you can almost instantly recognize it in others.

Are those of us who carry this light, special, in some way?

I believe the answer to that question, is “No!” Not anymore special, than anyone else. The light is made up of sheer joy, love, and constant comfort. It’s not something we earned in any way, but a gift freely given to us, which we freely accepted.  And it’s a free gift available for anyone. Anyone at all.  In fact, EVERYONE. All you need to do, is accept that gift. Know, that no matter where you are in your life, or what you have ever done, that you are worthy of this gift too. Because God made you, and He made you to shine for Him!

The light, is in fact, the Holy Spirit. The love of God we feel inside so strongly, make us, in a sense, SHINE.

I promise you, it’s the only high you’ll ever need. It’s the ultimate feeling, that you just can’t get enough of. And that sure is good news. Because there is not only more than enough to go around, but God’s love is bottomless, with no limits, and for all time; for all of Eternity.

Almost as important as the name of this blog, is the logo. My Mama custom-designed it, exactly as I wanted it. I love it so much! The sun so perfectly conveys the absolute blinding light of God’s love, and just how it’s delivered to all of us; by the Holy Spirit.

In conclusion, if you need some light, stick around! We’ll help you and pray with you, until you find it, and forever after. If you feel some of the light, tell us your story, and share it all you can with others. We can only make each other shine brighter, here and everywhere.

~Alexis Grace

♫ LISTEN/WATCH:  The Light In Me, by Brandon Heath

One Response to “What’s In The Name: Just Shine On”

  • Sara Jelane says:

    What you’re doing with this blog is truly inspiring!
    Sharing your “light” and God with others is truly a blessing. I do believe that your light shines bright for many others to see. In just reading through your blog posts, I’ve seen it.

    Good luck to you and your blog, Alexis!

I would love for you to share your thoughts.

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